Tea Time with Anne Firth Murray
Every two weeks, course instructor Anne Firth Murray will be answering your questions and commenting on current events related to Women's Health and Human Rights. We invite you to participate! You can submit questions to Tea Time with Anne on the Forum (click here).
In general, questions that are answered are relevant to what the class covers that week or relate to current events. If you need captions, click on the CC symbol underneath the video. Be sure to select "English" subtitles, not "English (Automatic Captions)."
October 4, 2015
Watch Anne's final Tea Time broadcast for this session of International Women's Health and Human Rights!
September 16, 2015
Watch Anne's fourth Tea Time of the course!
August 31, 2015
Anne's latest Tea Time comes from Maine, USA.
August 18, 2015
Watch our newest Tea Time broadcast of the session.
August 5, 2015
Join Anne for her first Tea Time broadcast for the July 2015 session of the MOOC!